Monday, November 29, 2010

Storm King

This post is long overdue and it's awful of me to keep these photographs hidden away-- my apologies! NYC summers are the worse: humidity and just too many people in such small quarters. In search for some fresh air and open space, my friends and I took a trip to Storm King Art Center, a five hundred acre museum of landscaped lawns, fields, and woodlands that serves as a site for postwar sculptures by artists such as David Smith, Isamu Noguchi, Alexander Liberman, and Richard Serra. You see the fusion of sculpture and mother nature at its best, as light and weather changes (or integrates into) the physical aspects of each art piece. It felt so surreal; I've never experienced sculpture at such aptitude where a man-made object can occupy a massive space with such ease. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jill Auckenthaler

Jill, "the superhuman," is a visual artist and a singer while simultaneously coordinating high quality, free art classes for the underserved youth in NYC. Drawing from her digital calendar, she makes paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints, and sound pieces that explore her anxiety about time. From what I saw from her paintings, it seems as though Jill deals quite well with time. With each deliberate stroke, I was able follow Jill's thought process which oddly enough carried a different tone to each part of her day. Engulfed by the larger paintings, I found myself going through the motion of our days as an adult: wake up, eat, work, eat, rest. It may sound so mundane, but each colorful line somehow fills those particular moments of our day with purpose.

For more visual pleasure:
For musical entertainment:

Friday, September 3, 2010

(mainstream) Performance Art

I first learned about performance art years ago in my New Genres course at UCLA. Performance art serves as a vehicle for artists to blend different artistic medias and disciplines.
My cousin, Shelley, recently attended a concert, in which she saw her first performance art piece by David Garibaldi. He's quite talented, and I am happy to see that performance art is becoming mainstream amongst our young people. He's the not the greatest dancer or painter but somehow, his ability to draw the audience through movement, sound, and visual stimulation is quite intriguing. I believe his most receptive pieces are of celebrities and icons, which is unfortunate because when he performed a self portrait there was much less of an ecstatic response. In any case, you can check out the video and conjure up your own thoughts and opinions. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Creative Reuse Centers

While meeting with Naji during my visit back to home (San Francisco), she brought me to SCRAP. Scrap is a non-profit creative reuse center, materials depot, and workshop space founded in 1976 in San Francisco, California. As I paced back and forth between the narrow aisles--plexiglass, beads, plastic baby pins, lamp shades, garden boxes--piled sky high around me. Every turn I took, I was filled with inspiration to create something. I felt like a little kid at a candy store! Unfortunately, I had to contain my excitement since I no longer had anymore space in my luggage. I did, however, manage to purchase a sample leather piece, which I hope to make a book cover out of.

What an amazing place to not only stimulate environmental awareness, but to promote the idea of creative reuse! For more information on creative centers in your area, please visit www.